Look for the 'Custom' option at the online Zombies menu. Options include: Difficulty: Change between the Original difficulty or the new Easy difficulty. Starting Round: Start the game on round 1. Steam Workshop: Call of Duty: Black Ops III. This is a collection of, what I personally believe, are the best Custom Zombies & Mods in the whole workshop. So far there isn't that many, only something near 150 custom maps that're even worth lo. This site will be continually updated and new features and custom map content will be added on a weekly bases. Add Call at Duty World at War maps (Complete). Currently working on callofdutyrepo custom zombies download manager. Call of Duty: Black Ops III. Custom Cell's (Perks that don't go away on death). I 100% recommend this map, fun easter egg and well built. Slightly glitchy.
- Custom Black Ops 2 Zombie Maps 2
- Black Ops 2 Custom Zombie Maps Xbox 360 Download
- Custom Black Ops 2 Zombie Maps 1.12.2
Can you play custom maps on Black Ops 2 zombies?
Nope. Black Ops 2 does not have custom maps. There are customs maps on WaW, BO3 and there is a map being worked on for BO1 called Perish.
Can you play custom zombie maps on console?
Not from PC, the tools will have to be created in the game. Tony Hawk had custom maps, back on PS1 days.
How do you unlock the other zombie maps on Black Ops 2?
Custom Black Ops 2 Zombie Maps 2
Interact with the computer to make a keyboard appear at the top right of the screen. Type 3ARC UNLOCK and press Enter to unlock all Zombie Mode maps.
Which Call of Duty Zombies is the best?
Call of Duty Black Ops: 15 Best Zombies Maps In The Series,
- 8 Moon (Black Ops)
- 9 Call of the Dead (Black Ops)
- 10 IX (Black Ops 4)
- 11 Die Maschine (Black Ops Cold War)
- 12 Ancient Evil (Black Ops 4)
- 13 Nacht Der Untoten (Black Ops 3)
- 14 Classified (Black Ops 4)
- 15 Ascension (Black Ops)
Can you play modded zombies on plutonium?
Plutonium doesn’t include the game, it just modifies an existing installation. User made content is available throughout the different player made servers. Additional guns, different rules, different winning limits, etc. Zombies supports up to 8 players.
Does Black Ops 2 have workshop?
Steam Workshop::Call of Duty: Black Ops II.
Does plutonium bo2 zombies?
Yeah you can play zombies. All DLC maps unlocked as well. Playing with friends and lan works too, just follow the guide to do so in their discord.
Black Ops 2 Custom Zombie Maps Xbox 360 Download

How many zombies maps Black Ops 2?
Zombie Maps There are currently 4 maps for Zombies mode in Black Ops 2.
How do I get nuketown?
Getting into the Zombies match on the Nuketown map only takes a few moments. Navigate to the Zombies menu and choose Zombies Onslaught to select the mode. You can then choose the Nuketown ’84 map option. There are even a few blueprints to earn while slaying hordes of enemies on this map.
What maps are in black ops 3 Zombie Chronicles?
Zombies Chronicles for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 will feature remastered versions of eight Call of Duty Zombies maps — Nacht der Untoten, Kino der Toten, Shangri-la, Shi no Numa, Moon, Ascension, Verrückt and Origins — for modern platforms.
Will custom zombies ever come to console?
Custom zombies will never come to console. You’ ll have to get a pc.
Does 3ARC unlock work?
No! The other Zombie maps are DLC, i.e. were not included on the game at launch, and are only accesable by purchasing them from PSN. 3arc Unlock unlocks everything that you could unlock yourself. They were never free.
Custom Black Ops 2 Zombie Maps 1.12.2
How do you unlock the 5 maps on Black Ops?
Enter “3ARC UNLOCK ” as a code to unlock the “Five ” Zombies mode map, Dead Ops Arcade game, Zork: The Great Underground Empire text-based adventure game, and all missions. Enter “3ARC INTEL” as a code to unlock all Intel.
Main Easter Egg Steps
- Complete up to Wave 12 Last Ghost Zombie Will Drop Key for Church
- Unlock Pack A Punch(Steps Listed Below)
- Go through Portal in Church to Obtain the Bow.
- Shoot 2 Soul Boxes With Bow/Flame. Locations:
- Fill 3 Soul Boxes. After Each one will drop a part. Obtain it. Locations
- Inside the Portal(this One Must Be Done Last)
- Now you will need to Have all Players in the Blue Circle and Interact
- Now you will have infinite Dogs and Zombies Spawn and also Arthur Leroy
- Kill Arthur Leroy
- The Final Part will Drop at Spawn Area. Obtain it.
- Head to the Barn and Place all Parts in the Vehicle
Shield Part Locations
- Skull
- Window
- Pelvis
- Locate 2 Skulls – Skull Locations:
- Place the Skulls in the graveyard and get the barn key which will spawn soon after. Be careful of the mini boss that will spawn in too.
- Once you got the barn key and killed the Warewolf, go over to the barn and open the panel. This will open to a 3 digit number code lock. The numbers will spawn in the map, always in these locations.
- Input these number (in their corresponding colour place) and voila! The door should open revealing pack a punch!

- Unlock Pack A Punch(Steps Listed Above)
- Melee Wood Stove In Pack A Punch to Activate. Then Melee All Stoves around Map.
- Saloon
- Hotel
- Now Melee Stove Pipe Near Fireplace in Spawn Area
- Obtain The Blundergat from Mystery Box
- Place in Fireplace
Acid Gat

- First Located 2 Parts Around the Map
- Engine
- Acid
- Now you Will Need to Build it at a Table
- Behind Saloon
- Between Grocery and Blacksmith
- In Pack A Punch Stable
- Now Obtain Blundergat from Mystery Box
- Now Build it at the Acid Gat Table
Watch Video Guide On Acid Gat – Coming Soon

Great Scott Wonder Weapon
- Unlock Pack A Punch(Steps Listed Above)
- Obtain Molotov’s From Around the Map
- Saloon Upstairs
- Grocery Store
- Throw Molotov’s At the Bells
- Bar at Spawn in Window
- Bar at the Saloon
- Bar in Grocery Store
- In Doorway on Second Floor Sheriffs Office
- Now Head to the Pack A Punch Area/Barn and Obtain Great Scott on Table.
Annihilator Wonder Weapon
- Unlock Pack A Punch(Steps Listed Above)
- Need to Pack A Punch a Weapon
- Shoot the Bell on Church With Packed Weapon
- Now You Will Need to Shoot 4 Clocks Around Map
- Saloon(Lower Level)
- Sheriffs Office
- Hotel
- Store
- Garage
- Once you Shoot All Clocks you can now Obtain Annihilator at the Spawn.
Thundergun Wonder Weapon
- Unlock Pack A Punch(Steps Listed Above)
- Kill Dr. Brown Before he DeSpawns
- He Will Drop the Thundergun
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