This video has been made with Fair Use in mind and has been created as an educational tool.I did this on the first one, now time to do it on the second one!D. Go here for Tutorial and Download: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=iv&srcvid=fQMJ01F2F5w&annotationid=annotation887471&v=ZMWjdetcqk. Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy XIII series Combined Custom Launcher v. - Game mod - Download. The file Final Fantasy XIII series Combined Custom Launcher v. is a modification for Final Fantasy XIII, a(n) rpg game. Download for free. File type Game mod. File size 260.7 KB. Downloads 859 (last 7 days) 9.
- Mog clock, speech bubbles, quest and aiming marker placed at correct depth
- some distortion effects during fights look strange (similar to motion blur, etc.)
- some lense flare effects and character portraits for monsters had to be disabled
- sporadic HUD elements are still 2D as fixing them would cause other issues
- Download this ZIP file and extract the contents into the main folder of the game (e.g. ...SteamSteamAppscommonFINAL FANTASY XIII-2)
- move d3d9.dll into the folder that contains the game's EXE file (e.g. SteamSteamAppscommonFINAL FANTASY XIII-2alba_dataprogwinbin)
- if You want to reduce Mog to its glow effects (which still indicates its position and the detection of hidden treasures) copy the files from the Mog remover folder into Shaderoverride/PixelShaders/. I really like this character, Kupo! But it looks too strange for me so I have decided to include the option to make it invisible ^^
- The game uses the same shaders and even textures for many different purposes that need different kind of fixes. So the fix also detects the actual convergence presets to identify the gameplay situation (main menu, exploration, cut scene, etc.) and uses the correct method. Please make sure to have used the correct hotkey for the actual gameplay situation.
You can customize the settings by pressing the hotkey, adjust convergence/depth and save it with Ctrl+F7.

'c' - toggles (a) the preset for the start menus, Historia Crux and loading screens and (b) the preset for the Crystarium. The game will start with preset (a) so You just have to press '7' after the level was loaded. Please do NOT adjust the convergence and save it when the last hotkey You have used was 'c'.
- DX9Settings.ini provides information how to change the hotkey assignment and to change the depth of the HUD for the presets (even making it 2D again)
Final Fantasy Xv Mods
- Toggle light shafts intensity with hotkey 'v' (original/reduced/off)
Final Fantasy 7 Mods Pc
Many thanks to bo3b's school for shaderhackers and especially DarkStarSword!